Good Old ASCII?

Thanasis Kinias
Fri, 6 Jun 2003 07:44:09 -0700

scripsit der.hans:
> The S-tzet ends up looking very much like a Beta and in it's modern
> form is actually drawn very similar to the Beta. They are still
> different characters, though, so it's like substituting 1 for l or 0
> for O. Maybe it's the i18nal form of 133t speak, but for the rest of
> us it just won't do.

Grüβ Go77!

Hmm.  I dunno 'bout that...

> The short of it is that UNICODE isn't big enough to handle asian char
> sets, much less all the char sets we have. It's progress, but not a
> destination.

There are certainly some things missing from the current spec, but my
faith in its extensibility is not gone...  AFAIK there is no limit to
adding code panes ad infinitum to accomodate new (or old) scripts.

FWIW, the Futhark (Norse runes) is already in and Tengwar (Elvish) is
`under investigation', but they officially rejected Klingon because the
script is insufficiently standardized and there is no evidence of its
actual use.

Thanks for the info.

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.