NFS questions

Bryce C
04 Jun 2003 15:06:48 -0700

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Or LDAP. I'm working on implementing user authentication into my current
LDAP implementation which already holds Addressbook and SAMBA info.
What's better is that I can and will "merge" the user auth and SAMBA
auth so I can just have one ou of all authentication stuff.

On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 14:08, Bill Warner wrote:
> the way I do it is have /home an nfs share.  This keeps everyone with
> the same home directory.  Only issue I have seen is that some
> applications dont like to share there ~<user>/.<directory> so you
> sometimes have to log out on one machine before you log in on another.
> As for /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, /etc/hosts etc... you will
> want to use nis+ for that.  This lets you share parts of files with
> other hosts.
> Hope this points you in the right direction.  time to rtfm from here.
> Bill
> On Wed, 2003-06-04 at 12:39, Carl Parrish wrote:
> > If I want two computers to share the same user information would I just
> > blow away the /usr partition by mounting a nfs partition named /usr ?
> > what about /etc/passwd and /etc/group ? Do you usally just copy them
> > over or link them somehow? I suspect many of these questions would
> > proably be easier if I just did it then saw what happened (burning
> > complete backups now) but I thought I'd ask around first (and at least
> > *feel* safer) <g>
> >=20
> > Carl Parrish
> >=20
> >=20
> >=20
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Bryce C <Plug@BryceCo.Net>
CoBryce Communications

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