[PLUG-announce]Big Datacenter Tour!!

Alexander Henry plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sun, 01 Jun 2003 19:52:29 -0700

Alan Dayley wrote:

>On Saturday 31 May 2003 12:55, Alexander Henry wrote:
>>How do I post this on the calendar on http://plug.phoenix.az.us ?
>Get to the calendar by clicking the topic on the left memu or the calendar 
>below that.
>In the upper right is an "Add" button-ish thing.  Click it.
If I stare at the calendar any longer I'll go blind.

There is no add button-ish thingie.  The closest thing I can find is 
"submit news", which I did do; but the announcement has not been 
approved by the moderators.
