
Vaughn Treude plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 09:08:32 -0500


Thanks for the insight on the library issue.  I'll look into using this 
approach for the real install.  Actually, it was a bug in the install script, 
it wasn't supposed to overwrite the existing libraries, oh well.   Putting 
them in the "Fab" directory should be a safer approach.

As for the size of the thing, the keys are bitmaps so they can't be scaled; I 
have to create a new, smaller set of them for the next version.  I'll also 
add an option to hide the dialog frame - tried to do that for version 1.02, 
but didn't get that working yet.

Thanks again for the feedback.

On Wednesday 29 January 2003 13:42, you wrote:
> There was talk at the meeting of how to  try out the software without
> possibly fubaring your system(Michelle was the unlucky first one) and i
> found that if you just open up /etc/ld.so.conf and at the bottom add
> /where/you/untar'd/it/Fab1-02/lib
> save it and run ldconfig. Then you can run Fab4Linux from the Fab1-02
> directory. It runs great except at 1600x1200 it takes up alot of room
> heh. probably 1/3rd of the screen, haven't found a way to make it
> smaller yet aside from shrinking the window size but the keys dont scale
> down =/