webmin setup

mazdaracer plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
01 Jan 2003 12:47:11 -0800

Had webmin installed, then started messing with the settings. I wanted
to only allow localhost and my private IP so I entered that in whatever
setting that was. I then got a permission denied; so I ran the uninstall
script. Then re-installed the rpm, but still got the error. 

Well now I've tried that a couple of times and now the rpm will not
install. Port 10000 in use error. Netstat -e -a output:

[root@rotor webmin]# netstat -e -a
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address        
State       User       Inode     
tcp        0      0 *:32768                 *:*                    
LISTEN      rpcuser    1487       
tcp        0      0 *:32770                 *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2026       
tcp        0      0 *:printer               *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1964       
tcp        0      0 *:time                  *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215968    
tcp        0      0 *:swat                  *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215967    
tcp        0      0 rotor.byerlyelect:42185 *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215960    
tcp        0      0 *:rsync                 *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215957    
tcp        0      0 *:9098                  *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215959    
tcp        0      0 *:mysql                 *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2151       
tcp        0      0 *:9099                  *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1215958    
tcp        0      0 *:netbios-ssn           *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2317       
tcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1449       
tcp        0      0      *:*                    
LISTEN      root       535808     
tcp        0      0 *:x11                   *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2423       
tcp        0      0 *:http                  *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2244       
tcp        0      0 *:785                   *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2010       
tcp        0      0 *:ssh                   *:*                    
LISTEN      root       1873       
tcp        0      0 rotor.byerlyelectr:smtp *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2163       
tcp        0      0 *:https                 *:*                    
LISTEN      root       2243       
tcp        0      0     directory.verisign:ldap
ESTABLISHED pete       68934      
udp        0      0 *:32768                
*:*                                 rpcuser    1484       
udp        0      0 *:nfs                  
*:*                                 root       2050       
udp        0      0 *:32769                
*:*                                 root       2023       
udp        0      0 *:32770                
*:*                                 root       2063       
udp        0      0 *:router               
*:*                                 root       1845       
udp        0      0
*:*                                 root       4150       
udp        0      0
*:*                                 root       2330       
udp        0      0 *:netbios-ns           
*:*                                 root       2327       
udp        0      0
*:*                                 root       4151       
udp        0      0
*:*                                 root       2331       
udp        0      0 *:netbios-dgm          
*:*                                 root       2328       
udp        0      0 *:782                  
*:*                                 root       2005       
udp        0      0 *:10000                
*:*                                 root       535809     
udp        0      0 *:sunrpc               
*:*                                 root       1444       
udp        0      0      
*:*                                 root       1820       
udp        0      0 rotor.byerlyelectri:ntp
*:*                                 root       1819       
udp        0      0 *:ntp                   *:*  

--- cut

How do I kill the listeners on port 10000 so I can re-install the rpm?
