
Derek Neighbors
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 13:49:33 -0700 (MST)

Michael Havens said:
> Who wants to burn some instalation CDs for us. I think it would be good
> to  have 25 -50 of each distribution to hand out with each instalation..

That might be a larger quanitity than necessary, but I suppose its good to
be optimistic.

> -----
> Who wants to burn some Debian?.....How many would you be willing to burn
> for  us?
> Who wants to install it?

I can help install Debian depending on the Date of the event.  Again
getting a date early is crucial to success.

> -----
> How about some other distribution?.... How many can you burn for our
> little  install party?

You will want Knoppix CDs.  They are good for a myriad of purposes and
excellent to give to people wanting to 'try' Linux w/o any real

> -----
> Who is going to volunteer to bring their computer in so people can watch
> each  individual distribution in action?

I will gladly bring my laptop.  It runs Debian.

> -----
> Who would like to host a presentation? what would you like to teach or
> show?  We should probably have four or five newbie classes throughout
> the day and  other presentations as well.

I think that AZOTO can help organize this portion.  I am willing to teach
one or more classes, such as:

GNU Enterprise
Free Software Licensing
Open Office

> I sure hope that the school will provide the availability of food. If
> not we  will have to ask the list members for donations..... which
> brings up another  issue.

This is what I meant about find out about amenities. :)

> My feeling is that we should put an ad into the AZ Republic. As such I
> called  the AZ Republic classifieds to get a pricing on such a venture.
> This is what  I was told:
> Sunday minimum (3 lines about 20 characters a line) = $30
> Saturday minimum = $22
> Weekday minimum = $21

Generally the newspaper will announce events like this for free in the
business or community section.  Also, you need to generate a press release
to give to the media so others can pick it up.  Many radio stations will
announce non-profit events for free as well.  It all again boils down to
'early' preparation.  We need that date and time ASAP.

> I'll give you all a can, which freeway exit do you all want to stand on?
> Seriously though, we could probably raise $73 out of the PLUG membership
> for a  Saturday, Sunday, and then Wednesday advertisement. I will write
> receipts for  all donations to all who ask for it and then give back
> whatever change I get.

You are better off donating to AZOTO, so AZOTO has the funds to 'sponsor'
events.  I say this because AZOTO has setup a non-profit structure (soon
to be 501c3 (read tax deductible)) that can handle donations and such.

> So let us brain storm! Here is my idea.
> For a better computer-
> Install Linux- cost=  free.
> 480-844-1511            and so people will call me for more information.
> What do you think? Of course if we get more money we can put more info
> into  the AD.

I think we are better off making half page flyer and putting on as many
campuses and business cash register desks as we can.
