Open Office and Mandrake 9.0

Carl Parrish
23 Apr 2003 16:12:03 -0700

For me with OO its because I have too *many* spelling packages
installed. Check and see which you are using for Abiword and Evolution
then get rid of the others. 

Carl P. 

On Wed, 2003-04-23 at 11:41, Liberty Young wrote:
> I'm trying to use the spell checker, and it doesn't seem to work. I have
> all the stuff enabled within Tools..Options..Language settings..Writing
> Aids, but the spell checker still fails to detect ANY misspelled words.
> Frustrating, as Evolution and AbiWord both have working spell checkers. 
> Has anybody out there have any suggestions to get OO's spell checker to
> work, or has run into the same problem as I have? Does anybody there
> with Mandrake 9.0 and OO have a working spell checker? 
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Carl Parrish (
Registered Linux User #295761