Synching with a palm a free way

Bryce C
17 Apr 2003 18:37:07 -0700

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True and I'm not against communism when it's done right. That is 1, no
single person greater than anyone else and 2, the people are happy.=20
Communism with a dictator isn't really communism, it's a dictatorship.

On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 18:05, Derek Neighbors wrote:
> Bryce C said:
> > If anything is communist, it's M$. While not a state, they're an entity=
> > a corporation that [tries to] keep control of its software by using onl=
> > its products.
> To go on a political tagent.  Communism has nothing to do with
> dictatorship, we just like to relate the two, because that is the only wa=
> we have seen 'communism' in action.
> True communism is a system characterized by the collective ownership of
> property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all
> members. Under this definition Microsoft hardly fits the definition.
> Microsoft is truly totalitarian in that impose a form of life in which
> they exercise absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life,
> and  individual is subordinated to them, any opposing expression is
> suppressed.
> -Derek
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