Can anyone help with an LTSP installation?
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:39:47 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Mark Berkwitt wrote:

> Can anyone help with an LTSP installation?
> I have an almost finished system that I am not able to finish myself.
> I admit it.  There.  I don't know enough yet to do it myself. There is a
> childcare center that has an empty room waiting for these computers to be
> delivered.  The center owner is pissed off and has told me he's going to get
> some Sony playstations instead.  I screwed up.  I thought with help from the
> linux community, and offers of assistance I had received, I could promise it
> would be done. I started this project months ago.  I refuse to continue to
> spend more time on something I cannot finish. I am done. If someone else
> wants to do it, fine. I'm taking everything over to the center and if you
> want to help it'll be there.
> Someday I hope to know enough to do this without needing anyone else's help.
> That's just my way.  I hate to beg for help.
> If you reply to this post I will send you the location of the center and the
> phone number to the owners.
> Good luck.

before I give it a go, what is left to do and what problems havent been 


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