Exchange2000 to Linux based

Wed, 30 Oct 2002 19:56:48 -0700


> There's also the Bynari Insight Server, which is supposed to be a drop-in
> Exchange replacement.  I've heard good things about it on other mailing
> lists.

I've used Bynari in situations where loosing Outlook and it's 
calendaring was not an option.  It's a great idea, but the current 
implementation is less than optimal.  Version 1.x isn't robust enough to 
handle the average office user without problems.  On at least two 
occasions, office workers have managed to delete an entire store of mail 
for all users from the Outlook client.

I'm hoping that version 2.x will be more robust, because Outlook really 
needs a standards compliant message transport plug-in that supports all 
of it's features.

Chris Lewis
If it compiles, it is good, if it boots up it is perfect.
      - Linus Torvalds