Anthony's Apache::MP3 problem

Anthony Hologounis
Sat, 26 Oct 2002 21:16:09 -0700

Bryce C wrote:

>Also, what is this  It doesn't resolve.  I think that's
>the greater problem.
>On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 19:07, Matt Alexander wrote:
>>I deleted your email and then found the answer to your problem.  Your .m3u
>>playlist files are using port 80.
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I made this change

#For the MP3's
<Location /Tunes/>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::MP3
PerlSetVar StreamBase
#PerlSetVar StreamBase http://localhost
#PerlSetVar AllowStream yes
#PerlSetVar AllowDownload yes
#PerlSetVar AllowPlayLocally yes
#PerlSetVar BaseDir ./apache_mp3

The StreamBase variable should do the trick, I think but how is it the 
m3u playlist is using port 80?
Cox blocks port 80 which is why I use to see if I can fix that

Anthony Hologounis