help with wvdial

Randy Kaelber
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 12:31:17 -0700

Bryce C wrote:
> 1. To quit, type Ctrl-C.
> 2. Try chmod 777 /dev/modem. That should allow any user to wvdial.  If
> not, do ls -al /dev/modem and then chmod 777

Is that enough, though?  Sure, that gives regular joes access to the
modem, but can it start PPP as a mortal user and expect to configure the
network interface correctly?

I've run wvdial as root (and backgrounded it) and never had a problem. 
Maybe I'm just lucky or foolish.

Randy Kaelber                              
Software Engineer  
Mars Space Flight Facility, Department of Geological Sciences
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA

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