
Ted Gould plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
19 Oct 2002 20:39:00 -0700

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> At what point in the kernel compilation process are
> the kernel header files built and installed? Can
> /usr/src/linux be built to another temporary directory?

The header files aren't built and installed per se.  Basically what
happens is that they are symbolically linked in.  So I think you'll find
that linux in /usr/include is symbolically linked to
/usr/src/linux/include.  But then if you look further you'll see that in
/usr/src linux is symbolically linked to /usr/src/linux-x.y.z (where
x.y.z is your version of linux).  So the only way that your headers are
updated is by moving these symbolic links.

The kernel itself can be built in any directory you'd like, but the
headers won't be updated until you move the symbolic links.

		Have fun,

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