MS2LINUX - Current Linux desktop admins

Bill Warner
10 Oct 2002 10:44:21 -0700

Is there anyone currently on the list that are using Linux in a
corporate environment on desktops other than sysadmin desktops?

I think it might be kinda nice to either base a meeting on corporate
desktop Linux or make a SIG meeting with that in mind.  I would like to
be able to discuss many of the things that are coming up in this thread
in more detail.

Things that I would like to go over some more:

   Centralized authentication (LDAP,NIS,SMB,etc...)
   scalable Home directory shares (NFS,SMB,CODA,) and administration
   scalable calendering applications
   usability of wine for backward compatibility
   ltsp scalability
   other things that the list and I can come up with

if nothing else lets discuss these things in this thread.
Bill Warner
Unix/Linux Admin.
Direct Alliance Corporation

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