MS2LINUX - Authentication basics

Ted Gould
08 Oct 2002 23:52:44 -0700

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> And finally, I have to wonder, why not SAMBA,
> period?  If I throw out all my prejudices for
> doing things the *nix way, I am left with: Why is
> SAMBA not a fine authentication system to use?=20

I guess I would only use SAMBA as a stop gap measure because, well,
Microsoft is going to try to remove SAMBA as best they can.  So I don't
know what is going to happen in the future, but it isn't someplace that
I would want to plan at being for a long time...

Another solution that I friend of mine is starting to roll out in his
company (small company) is WebDAV.  Linux has a WebDAV filesystem, and
then most of the Windows OSes will mount WebDAV.  Plus that can use all
of your LDAP logins.  I don't know how well that would scale, but it is
an interesting solution.

		Have fun,

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