Debian and RAID

Bill Warner
08 Oct 2002 10:23:03 -0700

When you moved the drive to a different controller it's name would have
changed.  I would probably need a little more information but basically
if the drive was


and you moved it to another controller it could be something like


If you can still boot to a root partition or with the Debian rescue disk
try this...

1 boot to Debian rescue install but don't start the installation

2 hit <alt><f2> and activate the terminal there

3 #cat /proc/partitions

4 see if you can see the partition that your new raid device is on
(check sizes etc)

5 reboot to boot cd but instead of going into the install type

6 rescue root=/dev/hd(whatever you found in /proc/partitions)

if you don't find the drive in /proc/partitions than you will need to
load the driver for the ide raid card.  Ask again later if you don't
know how to do that and you have this problem.

Bill Warner

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 09:50, Miles Beck wrote:
> Hello,
> Last night I moved my primary hard drive from the standard ide
> controller to a
> onboard RAID controller, and added a secondary hard drive to the
> secondary
> raid ide channel. I set up the raid for mirroring and then rebooted when
> it
> was done copying the master drive to the secondary drive. Now upon the
> reboot
> I get a screenfull of errors and the drive cannot be mounted. Is there a
> special procedure I need to do in order for the drive to be mounted now
> that
> it's on a different controller and is now mirrored?
> I am using Debian 3.0. I can post later today the error messages but was
> curious if this was a known problem or if I did not do this correctly
> from the
> get go. I think I can put the main drive back to the other controller
> and boot
> from there with no problem, but we need the system mirrored for backup
> protection.
> Thanks
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Bill Warner
Unix/Linux Admin.
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