performance question
Sun, 06 Oct 2002 19:32:15 -0400

On Sun, 6 Oct 2002 15:50:57 -0700 Michael Knee <> wrote:
> I have a dual boot system, WindowsXP and 
> RH7.3.  Response time for XP is
> dramatically faster than for Linux, which 
> is the opposite of what I would have
> expected.  Has anyone else run into 
> this?
> Each OS has it's own disk, and both disks are
> the 
> same model (Western Digital, 80GB, 7200 rpm,
> 8MB cache):
> XP is on hda (primary master)
> Linux is on hdb (primary slave)
> I installed XP first, later I added the 2nd
> drive 
> and Linux.
> Any ideas?  Or does XP usually respond
> faster 
> than Linux?
> Mike

You'll have to be more specific:

- What is "response time?"  Responding to what?
- How many services and extra programs are running in XP as compared to Linux?
- What operations are you specifically trying to compare?

Just saying, "XP is usually faster" is not clear enough.
