panels stay on top
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:40:31 -0600 (CST)

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Lynn David Newton wrote:

> Apparently the default in GNOME 2 is to force panels to
> remain on top. Grrr. Does anyone know where the option
> to change that is hidden? Or is it not available?

dagnabit.  i wish I was at home so I could say for definate.   however, 
memory says that if you are taking about the default skinny panel on the 
top, you cant.   its stuck on top.  You have to add a new panel to the 
bottom, add all the options you want, then delete the top one.  its one of 
the things about gnome2 I really dont like.  oh well.  say lah-vee as they 



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