GIMP question

Carl Parrish
30 May 2002 09:51:33 -0700

On Tue, 2002-05-28 at 08:54, Sundar wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to develop an application that needs to generate Graphics for 
> ASCII string entered by the user. Is there anyway I could automate it 
> with Script-fu or something else. I am using GIMP for Windoze and the 
> application is expected to be deployed on Windoze too.
> Sundar

Does anyone know where I can find GIMP for Windoze now? About a week ago
I tried to find it for my girlfriend (I think we've just demostrated my
inablity to find things on a website), but really this time it seemed
like the website was down. 

Carl P.