Kernel Question

Gontran Zepeda
Sun, 26 May 2002 11:09:20 -0700

% George Toft ( wrote:
> I need some help from you kernel warriors.
> I just changed my root filesystem from reiserfs to ext3 
> (tar -c, mke2cf, tar -x), rebooted, and it worked fine.

heh,  just migrated my laptop from reiserfs.  durn reiserfs.  My experience
is that resierfs has given me 0 problems on machines with very few reboots,
however, on my laptop has caused b0rked files.

> Here's the weird part - /etc/fstab still showed my root filesystem
> is reiserfs:
> /dev/hdc3       /                       reiserfs        defaults   1   1
> and running mount verified it was mounted as reiserfs.
> I changed /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hdc3       /                       ext3            defaults   1   1
> rebooted, went through a long fsck (no errors), and now it it mounted
> as ext3, verified by mount.

I ran into this situation exactly.

I believe, it's /etc/mtab that you need to delete prior to a reboot.
