bash Scripts

Clayton Stapleton
Fri, 24 May 2002 05:39:06 -0600

On Friday 24 May 2002 12:14 am, Lynn David Newton wrote:

> Clayton --
> o What are you using for an editor? I suspect the
>   presence of invisible characters.

I am using the vi editor.
The filesystem I am using is "reiserfs".

> o Is the #!/bin/bash (so-called shebang) string the
>   *absolutely first* thing in the file, with no
>   indentation, blank lines or stuff like that?

Looking at the script with vi in the posititon 1,1 is the #

>   Even if it's not, if you're running bash as a login
>   shell, it would still run. (But the shebang *should*
>   be present and correct on general principles.)

I am using the console from kde3 to run bash.

> o Are you using some tool like MS Word to create the
>   script? The file must contain no other characters
>   than the ones you see visible, and there should be
>   real characters at the end of each line.

No, there is no MS Word in use while in Linux.
> As I said, the scripts work fine as you posted them, or
> at least as they wind up in email, so there is
> something funny going on behind the scenes.

Thanks Lynn
Clay Stapleton