perl kweschun

Kevin Buettner
Tue, 21 May 2002 12:37:43 -0700

On May 21, 11:32pm, Roderick Ford wrote:

> Does anybody know if, in perl, I 'push' an empty list or array to an 
> array, does the array still grow by one?  Or should I handle the 
> indexing manually in those cases where it is empty.  Sometimes my array 
> that I am pushing is empty, but I still want the array to grow by one.

If you do...

    @foo = ();
    @bar = ();
    push @bar, @foo;'ll find that @bar is empty afterward.

If you want to push a value on even when @foo is empty, you could do
it like this:

    push @bar, (@foo ? @foo : undef);
