mail/DNS question

Craig White
20 May 2002 19:29:39 -0700

On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 14:36, Sundar wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a RedHat 7.2 server running as my mail and DNS Servers, among 
> others like Apche.... Recently, one of my friends asked me to host his 
> website and mail. So, I went ahead and created a virtual server in 
> Apache(had to create Master Zone record  in DNS) and also created a 
> user(for my friend) to allow him access mails on the system.
> The problem is that since I have two domains defined on the system, the 
> users are able to send and receive mails using both the domains. I want 
> to restrict the old users to use only the old domain and my friend to 
> send only using his domain name.
1 - don't use domain masquerading
2 - if you want - use genericstable to re-write outbound headers
