Connecting Linux desktop users to a Windows file server?

Thu, 16 May 2002 22:13:38 -0700

with just a slightly insane chuckle,

I have the exact same problem with my mount command ( and with other 
things such as this).  I have not been able to get it to work either.  I 
thought at first it was the owner:group (root:root) or a permission 
problem for my mountpoint, but that was not the case.  I am stumped for 
now..time to reread the apropriate man pages again <mount (8) smbmount 
(8) Others?>


Lynn David Newton wrote:

>I'm dealing with this problem myself right now ... I'm
>the only one who uses the systems, so it's no big deal
>for me to su to root to copy files to the shared
>filesystem from Linux, but I know I shouldn't have to
>do it.
>So I jumped right on this model to see if I could make
>it work for me. Nothing *ever* works right for me the
>first time.
>  jp> I have lines like this in my /etc/fstab ...
>  jp> //ms_file_server/share_name /mnt/share_name smbfs noauto,user,username=ntuser,workgroup=NT_DOMAIN_NAME 0 0
>I didn't have to use the workgroup name in the
>commandline version, so I didn't add that option. In
>fact the entry in my fstab now looks like this:
>//LynnsXTBox/work /mnt/work smbfs noauto,user,username=lynn 0 0
>The first time I tried to mount as non-root I got this:
>$ mount /mnt/work
>smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (30274,30274)
>smbmnt failed: 1
>Oh really? Hmmm. So ...
>$ su
># chmod u+s /usr/bin/smbmnt
>$ mount /mnt/work
>cannot mount on /mnt/work: Operation not permitted
>smbmnt failed: 1
>Now what?