tr from the command line

Carl Parrish
15 May 2002 00:50:43 -0700

Can't you use regexp with tr? Anyways I found rename. Wish I'd know this
was here b4. For instance did you know that you can change all *.htm to
*.html files like so 

rename .htm .html *.htm

So easy. is this a standard *nix tool or just Linux or just RH? Anyone

Carl Parrish

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 18:39, der.hans wrote:
> Am 14. May, 2002 schwätzte Carl Parrish so:
> > I've got a lot of files called *_log. I want to change them all to
> > *.log. I *think* I want to use the tr command. Can anyone give me the
> > syntax? my undertanding from the info and man files isn't working.
> The problem with tr is that it will change every occurance, e.g.
> $ echo fred_vuz_hier_log | tr _ .
> fred.vuz.hier.log
> What you need is something that either turns _log into .log or at least
> recognizes that the _ is right before log, which is the end of the string.
> $ for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do touch /tmp/fred/${i}_log; done
> $ ls /tmp/fred
> 1_log  2_log  3_log  4_log  5_log  6_log
> $ for i in /tmp/fred/*_log; do mv $i ${i%_log}.log; done
> $ ls /tmp/fred
> 1.log  2.log  3.log  4.log  5.log  6.log
> '%' tells bash to knock that string off the end if it exists.
> Use '#' to whack something off the beginning.
> $ for i in /tmp/fred/6*; do dir=`dirname $i`; log=`basename $i`; mv $i
> $dir/six${log#6}; done
> $ ls /tmp/fred
> 1.log  2.log  3.log  4.log  5.log  six.log
> ciao,
> der.hans
> -- 
> #
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