simple question

Matt Alexander
Tue, 7 May 2002 22:53:29 -0700 (PDT)

mkdir /temphome
mount /dev/hdb5 /temphome
cp -a /home/* /temphome
umount /temphome
rmdir /temphome
mount /dev/hdb5 /home

These steps will vary slightly, depending on whether /home is already on
it's own partition.  If it is, then you'll need to umount /home before you
can mount /dev/hdb5 on it.  Also, you may or may not want to delete all
the files on /home before you mount /dev/hdb5 on it.  If you don't delete
them, then they'll still be there when you umount /dev/hdb5.  They'll just
be "hidden" while /dev/hdb5 is mounted on /home.


"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
  --Edmund Burke.

On Wed, 8 May 2002, Roderick Ford wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm betting that this is a really simple question, but I haven't been
> able to figure out how to do it, myself.
> I want to move a root directory "/home" to a partition
> "/dev/hdb5"...sounds simple enough.  Thanks for answering this newbie
> question.
> Rod
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