CD meta-data

Kevin Buettner
Tue, 7 May 2002 14:30:23 -0700

On May 7, 11:39am, William Lindley wrote:

> Is there a way, from a bash script or Perl program, to find data *about*
> the CDROM or CDRW in the drive -- for example, my program needs to know:
>    the type of disc (CDR or CDRW)
>    the disc capacity (e.g., is it a 650 MB or a 700 MB disc)
>    for existing discs, the copyright/publisher/other data
>       which are recorded on the disc preamble

Some of this info is available via ``cdrecord -atip''.  (But see the
caveat on the man page.)  Assuming that your drive is capable of reading
the ATIP info, your script could invoke cdrecord and parse the output.
