xemacs 21.1 and java IDE

Michael Wittman plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Sat, 4 May 2002 22:02:26 -0700

On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 08:45:53PM -0700, Ronald & Christine Pace wrote:
> Lynn,
> Sorry for the misunderstanding.
> I'm aware of the IDE disk drive bus type.  But in the context of java 
> IDE, I thought it was clear my intention was "integrated development 
> environment".  My mistake.
> You are right!  I was actually trying to enhance cc-mode without 
> learning lisp.
> I think I will upgrade to the latest version of xemacs and see how that 
> works for me.
> Do you know of any lists dedicated to programming using linux?
> Thanx for your response,
> Ron

I recommend joining the plug-devel mailing list -- even though it's
low traffic, there are a lot of knowledgeable people on it.

I use XEmacs daily for C/C++ development and I've even done some elisp
modifications to make it work better in my environment.  If you can
tell us what specific enhancements you're looking for, I or others
could probably point you in the right direction.

For starters, you may want to look at the sample .emacs file (under
the Help menu), which will show a number of possible customizations.
You'll also get an idea of how to do things like rebinding keys
without having to delve into the details of Emacs lisp.
