ARRRG segfault

Julian M Catchen
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 18:15:18 -0700

I have found electric fence to be particularly useful in finding memory 
bugs.  I once spent several evenings trying to eliminate a segfault caused 
by an off by one pointer error.  I finally linked "-lefence" into my 
application and ran it in gdb -- it found the problem in seconds.  One of 
the advantages of Electric Fence is its simplicity -- just add it to the 
link line of your makefile.  Although it is not the end all be all of 
memory applications (as its creator Bruce Parens admits) it works well for 
a lot of problems.


On 2002.03.28 16:11 John (EBo) David wrote:
> I'm in the process of updating some OLD code that was really not written
> well...
> There has been this nasty memory problem for years, but no one has been
> able to figure it out.  Now with the new reentrant interface it crashes
> more than it runs.
> are there any freely distibuted tools availible like purify, etc.
> availible on Linux?
>   EBo --
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