Local daycare center wants to set up row of educational desktops.

Derek Neighbors plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:36:45 -0600 (CST)

> > 1. where to get possible hardware donations perhaps from corporatations
> > upgrading their pc's.

You can try local corporations, though most that turn over a high number 
of pc's already have something in place.

> > 2. what kind of hardware configurations are best (ie. 1 server, clients w/o
> > hdd's).

I would spend about 2,000 for a beefy server and setup LTSP (linux 
terminal server project) so you can run diskless workstations (about $150 
a box w/o monitor)

> > 3. recommended software for early teen & preteen.

Use debian and install debian-junior (its probably more adolescent but 
pre-teens would enjoy)

> > If anyone has done a similar project we could use your suggestions as well.

Have been around the LTSP in similar situations, not educational but 
trying to get lots of clients for the buck.

I will say being about 8 - 12 year olds regularly. An internect connection 
with a web browser, email and AIM (GAIM) makes most of them happier than a 
