My departure from Phoenix...

Kimi A. Adams
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 13:43:50 -0700

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I want to personally thank you for the times that you helped our 
company.  You are very highly thought of and you will be missed 
terribly.  I hope that Michigan treats you just as kindly as Arizona has 
(or at least hoping we have).  I know times are tough in Phoenix some 
times, but at least we will be warm!  : )

Make sure to buy a good parka for the coming fall and winter, you will need 
it.  Good luck.

Kimi Adams
Unity Wave

At 3/19/02, you wrote:

>Hey, just FYI... I have accepted a position at a company in Ann Arbor,
>Mi.  So I'll be shipping out of phoenix in the next month.  Just
>thought I'd let you guys know.  PLUG has grown alot since I joined it,
>and I'm glad to have been a part of it.  I'll miss all you guys, and I
>might even be back someday.  For now, if anyone knows of any LUGs in
>the Ann Arbor area, let me know!
>See if your mail doesn't 
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list  -
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