Calling all bigots

Derek Neighbors
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 17:40:59 -0600 (CST)

The keys here are....

a. Does more than one (user) account use the machine
b. Have you installed anything on the machine outside of what came 
  1. If so did it require a reboot?
  2. Is this computer networked, if so did configuring the network require 
a reboot?
c. Is this machine used in a production capacity. (doing something at 
least 8 hours a day)

In general,  you get a windows box.  You fire it up.  You install 10 
applications 6 of which require a reboot.  Then you hook it up to the 
network which costs you another 2 reboots.  So already in the first 8 
hours of the computers life you have 8 reboots or average up time of 1 
hour.  Say windowsXP lasts 60 days that would be 60 up days and 9 reboots 
or less than a week of uptime record. :)

Granted I hear XP has gotten better about requiring those other reboots, 
but Im curious.

That said I cant believe you married a woman who uses windows. ;)
