Dual Boot, yes...Triple Boot? even Four is possible

Sundar plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 10:32:29 -0700

I was using LILO for past two years to boot four different operating 
system(redhat, solaris 8, Free BSD and Windows 2000). I just moved to 
GRUBdo to the same, as it came default with Redhat 7.2.


Carl Parrish wrote:

>I'm running behind on my email again but I'm pretty sure that this isn't
>a issue with recent versions of Lilo either. (btw can anyone give me a
>good reason to switch to grub from lilo?). 
>Carl nottryingtostartaflamewar Parrish
>On Fri, 2002-03-08 at 21:24, Alan Dayley wrote:
>>As I understand it, this is an issue with the LILO boot loader.  Other boot 
>>loaders, such as GRUB do not have this problem.  Grub is the default loader 
>>in the RedHat 7.2 install.
>>BTW, I have a computer at work that triple boots Windows 98, RedHat 7.2 and 
>>DOS 6.1 using GRUB.
>>On Friday 08 March 2002 09:26 pm, you wrote:
>>>I am not  conversant with the various Linux flavors, but if you are
>>>going for the triple boot you may have an issue with making sure part
>>>of each linux partition is below cylinder 1024 on your hard drive-- I
>>>know that is an issue for Corel, and also for Debian (unless they
>>>fixed that in a recent release...)
>>See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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>See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
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