blanking CD hangs my system

Nancy Sollars
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 23:31:48 -0700

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lynn David Newton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: blanking CD hangs my system

>   >> The backup script I wrote first makes the ISO
>   >> image of selected files, then blanks the disk,
>   >> then records. During the blanking sequence it runs
>   >> fine until the very end, when it's doing some sort
>   >> of finalizing magic,
>   Nancy> I believe this is area is finalizing the session ( closing the
session )..
>   Nancy> sometimes this can take longer than the actual burn itself ..
>   Nancy> cdrecord does im happy to say do it properly ...

I did mean that it closes cd's when successful properly

I know yours hangs ..

> I'm using cdrecord. It hangs.
>   Nancy> 1.    trying a newer version of cdrecord
> Yes.
>   Nancy> 2.    see if there are any reports of Firmware issues if so
upgrade it
> I should try that. But one day it worked, the next day
> it didn't.

So did mine , tis why i called up philips on the uk 0800 free toll line and
spoke to their techs about any issues with my device ..

then i spoke to Adaptec in the Netherlands about the lates scsi bios for my
card ...

both sent files and adaptec sent a  new IC for my Scsi card


it solved my issues with cd-record..

> --
> Lynn David Newton
> Phoenix, AZ
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