anti dot-net spew

David A. Sinck
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 09:43:02 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth Joseph Gledhill on 3/4/2002 09:12 as having spake thusly:
\_ I need some legitimate reasons not to go with .NET as a development
\_ platform.  Any comments would be appreciated.

My guess is that you'll need to express this in terms a manager can
understand: the bottom line.

	IF we do this then we face:
	* maintenace costs (more/less/same) than norm
	* retraining costs (</>/=) than norm
	* client compatability costs ....

You won't 'win an argument' with a manager on technical grounds of
'coolness' or 'developed by the redmondites'.  If you can't make it
seem reasonable to a manager based on the bottom line, my guess is
that it's time to learn .NET.

