The Ballad of David Grunman

Victor Odhner
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 00:56:51 -0700

This is slightly off topic, but amusing.

BTW, this really happened somewhere in the Phoenix
area, about 15 years ago.  I don't know if the guy's
name was David Grunman, but according to the Arizona
Republic's news story there was a drunk out in the
desert shooting holes in saguaros with a shotgun.
His last victim was 24 feet tall.

The man's last word was:   "Tim..."

I searched for "David Grunman" and only found a
reference to a late-term abortionist by that name.


P.S. -- If you put web links in a plain-text message,
  please put http:// in front of them.  This will
  cause most web clients to recognize them as links,
  so they're clickable.

Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> I've shared this with some of you. Wish I knew who did it!
> Download mp3 here:
> A PDF of the lyrics here: