Question: What's The difference between a 'Modular Kernel and a Monolithic Kernel?'

Roderick Ford
Wed, 19 Jun 2002 08:42:50 -0700

Modular is when your kernel is able to load modules for a particular device. 
That is, make it available for the kernel to load as necessary at run-time, 
which requires that the kernel be compiled with kernel-module-loading ability.

Monolithic is when there are no modules to load at run-time.  All modules for 
devices are compiled into the kernel and loaded at boot.  Even if a device is 
never or rarely used the "bloated" kernel carries around the knowledge of how to 
communicate with that type of device.

Typically, the RedHat 7.2 kernel comes monolithic.  The instructions probably 
discuss monolithic kernels in the sense that YOU manually load the module, and 
modular kernels in the sense that the kernel needs to be recompiled to make the 
kernel aware that the module is available at run-time.  You can select these 
things when you re-compile the kernel.

Sorry, that this probably wasn't a very concise explanation, and certainly not 

Regardless, RedHat comes compiled with kudzu, which is the plug and play 
ability.  When you boot up with the new device, kudzu will ask you if you want 
to configure the new device.  Then you are good to go.

If anyone wants to clarify or correct any of the above, feel free.

--Roderick Ford

Alpha Zenon Sanchez wrote:
> Hello Linux Users:
> If I installed a Redhat 7.2 OS on my computer from a 
> CD, but so far have not configured anything and added
> cards with Redhat's 'plug and play' ability, what type
> of Kernal do I have?  Would it be monolithic or
> modular?  I need to know this becuase I'm installing
> a NIC card on my system. I haven't rebuilt or compiled
> my kernel yet.
> The instructions have versions for both a monolithic
> and a modular kernel.
> My NIC card is a Netgear FA310TX PCI.
> Thanks in Advance
> =====
> Thanks,
> Alpha Zenon Sanchez
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