Saving a web site local

Thomas Mondoshawan Tate
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 14:46:59 -0700

On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 09:37:14AM -0700, Alan Dayley wrote:
> I want to save a web page and all the pages it links to (about 2 deep) to my 
> local hard drive so I can browse it locally.  I don't see this capability in 
> Konqueror or Mozilla.  How do I do this?
> Alan

Dunno about Konqueror, but in Mozilla when you select File->Save Page As...
you'll notice in the save dialog that the filetype is "Web Page, complete
(*.htm; *.html)". If you save it this way, Mozilla will download all images
of that page and store them in a directory called <filename>_files in the
same dir that you saved the file in. Also, Mozilla will change all relative
links to point to the files in the <filename>_files directory to match.

Thomas "Mondoshawan" Tate