
Bryce C.
14 Jun 2002 08:44:20 -0700

Date does have the -s option for setting the time but I've never used
it.  Check the man page.  Date, in DOS, would set the date and time for
you automatically.
Also, I never had any problems with your character set.  I'm using
Evolution 0.9.

Bryce C.
Network Administrator
CoBryce Communications
Bryce @ BryceCo . Net

On 14 Jun 2002 08:24:59 -0700, Carl Parrish wrote:
> Okay how does one change the time on your system from the command line?
> I've been using rdate for this only now I can't so I thought I'd just
> use date and I can't get it to work. Should I be using something else?
> Carl P.
> (P.S is my charter set coming though alright on this one?).
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