SSH and Firewalls?

George Toft
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 21:19:39 -0400

Craig White wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 07:07, Steve Holmes wrote:
> > Question about running ssh over a masqueraded network:
> >
> > I have a linux box that serves as the "point" machine for my network
> > on which I forward ports with ipchains (2.2 kernel) to to inside
> > amachines which each run sshd.  My outside machine currently is not
> > running ssh yet.  If the default policy on my input chain is ACCEPT, I
> > can successfully forward non standard ports through to specific
> > machines an establish ssh sessions on them with no problems.  If I
> > default the input chain to DENY, as is done in endoshield script, The
> > connections time out and I cannot connect.  In both cases, I forward
> > the same ports.
> >
> > Bottom line, If I use endoshield and add on the ipfwadm commands to
> > forward the ports mentioned above, connections time out; If I do not
> > use endoshield but use a simpler script that basically leaves the
> > input chain wide open, I can establish the ssh sessions - no problem.
> ----
> been a while since I used ipchains and not seeing your script, what I
> think is happening is that the input chains are considered before your
> forward chains and thus if you policy is to DENY, then the packets are
> denied before they ever hit the 'forward' chains.

This is correct.  ipchains put the input chain before the forward chain, 
and iptables puts the forward chain before the input chain.
