Caller ID (was telephony)

Kurt Granroth
Mon, 10 Jun 2002 09:43:07 -0700

On Monday 10 June 2002 09:11 am, David A. Sinck wrote:
> 0) get cid from your provider
> 1) get a cid + linux compatible modem
> 2a) get one of the many cid apps  (see sourceforge)
> 2b) roll your own with Device::Serial or direct ioctl calls
> 3) YMMV
> For instance, I've got my roll-your-own program sending jabber
> messages to me currently.  :-)

On a related topic, does anybody know if any of the cid programs for Linux 
support logging the call time?  I'm trying to figure out a way to count up 
the total number of minutes that my phone is in use (incoming and outgoing; 
local and long distance) and Qwest won't give me that info without a 
subpoena.  Now I know that my modem can get the CID info without answering 
the phone, but can it figure out how long the phone is active?
Kurt Granroth - "KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop"
KDE Developer/Evangelist |  |