Linux at Work - Long

Logan Kennelly
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:35:36 -0700

Hash: SHA1

I know that it is possible, but it does not come set up by default.  Allow 
me present a couple of questions here.

On Wednesday 17 July 2002 12:20 pm, KevinO wrote:
> Logan Kennelly wrote:
> > 1) The ability to change graphical users (locally) without logging the
> > original user out.
> Two methods :
> 1) Type :
>    $ su <username>
>    in a terminal window and then execute as that user from there.

This will not work on any of my systems since every user has their own 
.Xauthority file.  Would it be possible to allow such functionality by 
copying my .Xauthority to /etc/skel after my first login but before 
creating the other users?

> 2) Go back to a virtual console and login as the new user. Then you can
> use $ startx -- :1
>    and start a second X session as that user. The first GUI should be on
>    <CRTL><ALT><F7> and the second one on <CTRL><ALT><F8>. Parameters
> after the '--' are passed on to the server. I have been able to run
> gnome, KDE and Xfce at the same time this way. The ':1' tells the server
> to use the second display and leave the one currently running alone.
> There should be a way to make this work using Xtart, startkde, startgnome
> etc. but I don't know how. I get 'don't own console' errors .

Again, this is the command line.  (What I believe to be) a more elegant 
solution would be to run the login manager on 7, which could spawn X 
sessions on 8, 9, 10, etc (as well as switch to these new sessions as they 
are spawned).  I am pretty sure I have seen kdm configured this way before, 
but I can't find the Usenet post.  Anybody care to share?

- -- 
						Logan Kennelly
     (. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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