Question for Mandrakers

Wed, 17 Jul 2002 11:02:14 -0700

Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> I run mandrake update from the menu.  It is on the packaging menu.  No need to use a terminal window.  You do need to be logged in as root.

It is not a good thing to be logged into a GUI as root. MandrakeUpdate will 
prompt you for a password if you are not root already - whether you invoke it 
from the command line in a terminal window or with a click of the mouse. So 
will most other apps (Mandrake) that need root privs..

Using a terminal window allows you to see any text output that the program may 
write to std error or std out. This can be helpful and/or very informational.

You can see what MandrakeUpdate is doing better (if you want or need to), 
especially since the progress bars don't work right while the packages are 
being downloaded...

The bash shell, with its' command completion, makes it very fast to invoke 
MandrakeUpdate. Just type :

$ Man <tab><enter>

and you are running. Unless you've installed something into your PATH that 
matches that also...


Matz's Law:
         A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.