A request for web assistance

Logan Kennelly plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:17:12 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 10 July 2002 06:32 am, Robert Bushman wrote:
> I hate to be the ogre that would impune the
> honor of diabetic children, but can anyone
> validate this? The text doesn't sound like
> a child, it sounds like an Asian spam-list
> troll. The site looks like it was put together
> in about 3 hours, and has no pictures of any
> children or any facility (foundations
> love having a picture of their site on
> the front page).

It is good to be skeptical, but this seems authentic.  First of all, he 
never claimed to be a child.  Second, the web site lists phone numbers 
(which is a good sign) and is registered to "Dave Okubo   
(karlrhs@attbi.com)" with a billing address in Utah.

> Suppose it is real - as Dennis notes, there
> is no way AT&T would shut them down for
> wanting to use a password. AT&T isn't stupid,
> they know that shutting down 900 diabetic
> kids wouldn't play in the media without
> a damned good cause.

This doesn't make sense to me, either.

> What USian calls the position "web master"?

I do, but I don't know any better.  I think all the "webmaster@" addresses 
simply stuck in my mind. :-P

- -- 
						Logan Kennelly
     (. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--
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