OT: Note to Tim

Voltage Spike plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 23:28:05 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 05 July 2002 20:43, Dennis Kibbe wrote:
> Using that logic it would be OK for M$ to take GPLed code and incorporate
> it in XP and not tell. No "real" harm done, right?
> You make it sound as if a wrong is a wrong only if blood is spillt.

What if they have?  Do you know about it?  Is anybody hurt because of it 
(besides the author's feelings)?

Besides, the way you quoted made me look bad.  ;-)  I had stated that it was 
not an inherint wrong.  It is a victimless crime, and we do it every day.  If 
I tell you a funny joke, and you tell someone else, should I go around saying 
you have "wronged" me?  99.9% of our ideas come from others, but we don't go 
around giving out slips of paper crediting every entity we had ever come into 
contact with.

It is a tough situation, and it all comes down to respect.  In the case of 
copyright infringement like we have been discussing, the only "wrong" is that 
we did respect the author's wishes.  I try to be a better person than that, 
but that doesn't mean everyone has to agree.

- -- 
						Voltage Spike
     (. .)
- --ooO-(_)-Ooo--

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