Mensan seeks work

George Toft
Mon, 11 Feb 2002 01:35:58 -0500

Trent Shipley wrote:
> > Will we be like Psychologists, where you have to have a PhD before
> > you can get a job that pays more than $20K/year?
> I wouldn't worry about this.  People are attracted to Psychology because its
> fun, prestigeous, and once paid well.  It used to be hard to get into a
> program, but private, for-profit programs have prolifierated to meet demand
> for Psych D.'s and flooded the market.  (Ph.D.'s are still moderately
> difficult to earn.)

Take the above and sed -e "s/Psychology/Computers/g" -e "s/Psych D.'/geek/g"
I wouldn't worry about this.  People are attracted to Computers because its
fun, prestigeous, and once paid well.  It used to be hard to get into a
program, but private, for-profit programs have prolifierated to meet demand
for geeks and flooded the market.

Sounds like the IT industry, Certifications, and the current job market to me.
