Evolution question

Craig White plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
09 Feb 2002 17:47:15 -0700

On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 13:21, Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> Is there a setting in Evolution so that when I reply to a message it
> will default the "from" address to the same account that received the
> message I'm replying to?  Outlook Express does this and I find it very
> useful as I someetimes forget to change it when  post to a lisdt like
> this.
I don't see anywhere that this can be accomplished but it would be a
nice feature - an expected feature as I too have counted on that in the
past from Outlook but alas, this is a new program.

I do see several locations where you can access the settings directly...

It should also be realized that evolution is more a part of gnome and
IIRC, you are using KDE so some of the gnome session settings wouldn't
be available to you. In fact, I am surprised that you didn't tell us
that you finally got it installed - I would have celebrated with you.

It ain't perfect but evolution is a big step forward for desktop users
on linux
