Setting speed on a network card

Tom Achtenberg
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 19:26:56 -0700

I've noticed it too.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Brown" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: Setting speed on a network card

Is it just me or have there been a lot of repeat messages lately?

> Do anyone know of a way of permanently setting 100 MB/s - Full Duplex on a
> NIC in RedHat?  I have to manually change the settings upon every reboot
> using the mii-tool command.  Is there a config file to set?  Would an rc
> script be appropriate?  Any advice would be appreciated.
See if your mail doesn't post
to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.

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