Dot.Bombs AZ Style

Craig White
20 Dec 2002 17:43:24 -0700

On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 14:09, Daniel Wolstenholme wrote:
> I interviewed there in early 2002, but the impression I got as
> an interviewee was that it was an all-MS shop as I never saw
> Linux anywhere, and when I asked about it I was only told about
> its use in target systems.  All the desktop systems I saw were
> MS, and I was told that all the host systems were MS using
> Citrix Metaframe.  My resume intentionally had no mention of any
> MS products on it, but the people in my interview seemed more
> interested in whether I'd be willing to learn WinCE than
> anything Unix-based.  I was told that customers wanted Windows
> and .NET, so that's where they were going.  Considering that the
> ad for the position seemed very pro-Linux, I felt
> rather deceived at the interview when I found out how big a
> priority Windows was.  This was one of the main reasons I had
> for rejecting the job.
> The other was that they had burned through 3 rounds of funding
> without becoming profitable, and told me that they only had
> enough funding to last till November.  Guess the 4th round
> didn't come through.
> The unsubscription thing turned out to be an issue with how I
> receive my email (the system automatically unsubscribed me) and
> is fixed now.
> Dan
a few thoughts...

you picked a rather interesting way to introduce yourself to everyone.

I'm sure that like all high-tech companies struggling to stay alive,
they were willing to bend whichever way the wind was blowing. The moment
that you interviewed, the wind was blowing from the dark side.

I think that you are wrong about politically being silenced, I've not
seen any evidence of that on this list but we all know that it happens
on various lists so I wouldn't put it out of the realm of what is

You might be better served by giving people the benefit of the doubt.
