Open Source/Free Software in Maricopa Government -another view.

Gary Nichols
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:49:33 -0700

That was so perfectly phrased that I have nothing to add but my 
admiration.  ;-)

On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 10:20  PM, J wrote:
> Let us take a look at a much more basic issue.
> Should we attempt to make govt function better?
> Let them go their merry way down the yellowbrick road of miscrosoft or
> anywhere else they choose.
> Increasing their efficiency or capability will not cut taxes, slow govt
> growth, increase freedom,  help the poor,  or help anyone who is 
> trying to
> make a living outside of the govt pork barrel.
> I think the wise course is to let them be, let them choke on the IT 
> cancer of
> their own making. It will  make for quite a show.